Carbon Insetting

Why removals are pivotal in climate strategies for commodity companies [New Guide]

May 17, 2024

Why removals are pivotal in climate strategies for commodity companies [New Guide]

It’s impossible to reduce our way into a net zero, and positive, future before 2050. Even if reductions spearhead the strategies for attaining a climate-neutral/positive future, we need removals to close the gap. 

For instance, the EU and its member states are legally committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, and they can not achieve this by reducing emissions alone. In each industry there are hard-to-abate and unavoidable emissions that need to be addressed with removals before we can reach climate neutrality by 2050.

As a supply chain actor in commodities, it’s crucial to know how to report and understand the sources which you get your data from. In this quick guide to removals for commodity supply chains, we answer the essential questions that help you with basic knowledge about removals but also actionable steps you can take to use removals in your climate strategy. 

We cover:

  • What are removals?
  • Why are carbon removals important?
  • Where do you need to report carbon removals?
  • Where do you get data on carbon removals?
  • How does Carble help you to report on removals?

In the quick guide, we answer the essential questions that help you with basic knowledge about removals but also actionable steps you can take to use removals in your climate strategy.

Download removals guide here

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